
Innovate, Inform, Inspire

As the true platform for Belgian textile, wood and furniture companies, we aim to support our member companies even more proactively in their sustainable growth and competitiveness.

We want to make our members excel at the heart of their business, by guiding them in the social, judicial, fiscal, economic, ecological and technical context, as well as in legislation and regulations.

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We are strengthening our provision of information; we are actively working to defend your interests; we keep looking for new partnerships and are a megaphone for your inspiring and innovative business stories.

As such, we aim to broaden and deepen our range of services. With new, customised services and tools, we want to serve you even better and make your life easier.

Fedustria is keen to have an impact and influence policy-making by sharing our views with politicians, through the media and events.

We are striving for greater excellence, also by optimising our own organisation. We wish to continue growing in order to anticipate the needs of member companies better and more flexibly.

Proximity to our members is our ambition.

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